السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
We have more choices to saving money in the bank. We also can choose more than one of the bank wherever. That is up to you.
But, i have something to tell for everyone especially who is reading in my blog site now. Yeah... in Keningau area i have looked the Public Bank workers very good services. Their service almost quality and smart to customer and also very faster. Beside that, i look all the service in Public Bank Keningau be ready at time and friendly to all customer.
I hope services in the Public Bank Keningau area almost identify their services concept well done and smart.
First at last, i tell of you, i like Public Bank service in Keningau. But, please don't angry me when said like this. I cannot how Public Bank service in you area. So, i give a big applause to all workers in Public Bank Branches in Keningau, Sabah. Thank you.

(can choose) not can chose
(than) not then
(tell) not tall
(i have looked) not i look
(i hope a service/i hope services) not i hope service
(please don't angry me when I said like this)...
6 Pesona Kata Hati Mereka:
assalamualaikum uncle..wow uncle post entry dalam BI...bagus2....hehe..but ada typing error yang mungkin uncle terlepas pandang...jom kita belajar bI...
(more choices) not more choice
(can choose) not can chose
(than) not then
(tell) not tall
(i have looked) not i look
(i hope a service/i hope services) not i hope service
(please don't angry me when I said like this)...
Saya pun budak baru belajar uncle. Nanti, apa2 yg salah, uncle tolong betulkan....hehe =)
wasalam..minta maaf banyak2 ya..memang speling dan grammer problem saya. baca bi dah faham makna2nya tapi nak susun strutur tu yg payah..ajar murid di kelas pun hehe yg tahun 2..hehe. Tq..moga dapat pahala menujuk ajar ya...ajarkan pcik lagi ya.
Hehe malu jg ni, tapi stil sampai skrang masih broken Bi yea..mas tq so much.
biasalah tu uncle...belajar mana pun tak akan habis. tp memang respect la dgn uncle, berani buat entry bi..struktur ayat simple and tersusun dan boleh difahami. keep it up! u're the most welcome! =)
semoga doa dan harapan kita akan termakbul.. salam cikgu
InsyaAllah Gen2..yang merah..syukran apa2 rezekiNya..
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